What country are you from?
What country are you from?
How old are you?
How old are you?
16 or older
Younger than 16
When you're over 16, you don't have to go to school anymore. You can start learning a trade, for example in a dual training system. However, if you are under 18, you have to do vocational training and are not yet allowed to work. People who are 16 years old or younger are required to attend school in Germany. This means that you have to go to school and are not allowed to work.
What school degree have you got?
Secondary school
Upper secondary school and vocational training
University and further education
Falls Sie nicht sicher damit, besuchen Sie bitte die Beratungsstellen.
Falls Sie nicht sicher damit, besuchen Sie bitte die Beratungsstellen.
What school degree have you got?
Click on one of the windows to choose your type of school.

{{ school.acf_fields[getTextfieldName(origin) + '_abschluesse'] }}

What would you like to do?
Find opportunities
What would you like to do?
Möglichkeiten finden